Can this validly-dismissed employee be awarded separation pay?
Tag: decision
An Assessment Reflective of the Seafarer’s Medical Condition
The seafarer failed to observe the third-doctor referral provision in the POEA-SEC. Was her claim of total permanent disability benefit granted?
Invalid Addendum
An Overseas Filipino Worker executed an Addendum that modified his employment contract. Can he be bound by the same?
But She Went Home for Personal Reasons
Find out why the Supreme Court did not believe the employer’s claim of voluntary resignation by the employee.
Exemption from Payment of Commissioners’ Fees
Is the Land Bank of Philippines exempt from paying commissioners’ fees?
Payment of Employment Bond
The employee in this case resigned from employment. Can the employer enforce the “employment bond” provision in her employment contract?
General Return-to-Work Orders
Can an employer’s general return-to-work order be a defense against a claim of constructive dismissal?
But Are You a De Jure Tenant?
Can security of tenure be invoked by a person on the acts of a supposed landholder who had no right to the land subject of the tenancy?
Your Employment Shall Start When You Are Issued a Boarding Confirmation
The addendum to the employment contract provides that the employment relation shall commence once the seafarer is issued a boarding confirmation. Will the addendum be considered valid?
Recomputation of Accrued Benefits and Immutability of Judgment
May an employee be granted a recomputation of an award of backwages, separation pay, and other benefits which she had already received in full?