The seafarer filed his complaint for permanent total disability benefits after the company-designated physician declared the him fit to work. Will his complaint prosper?
Rules on Seafarer Claims for Permanent Total Disability Benefits
The company-designated physician failed to issue a medical assessment within the prescribed periods. He was also unable to provide a justification for the extension of the treatment.
Judicial Review of Orders or Decisions of the Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudication Board
What mode of appeal should one adopt for orders or decisions of Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudication Board?
Establish Compliance with the Post-employment Medical Examination
Comply with the post-employment medical examination requirement.
No Basis to Award Salary Equivalent to 3 Months
Relief for Illegally Dismissed Migrant Workers
Allegations with Substantial Evidence
A party alleging a critical fact must support his allegation with substantial evidence.
Company-designated Physician’s Failure to Make a Definite Assessment
Effect of the company-designated physician’s failure to make a definitive assessment.
Prescriptive Period of Claims for Service Incentive Leave Pay
When does the prescriptive period of claims for service incentive leave pay commence?
Rebutting the Presumption of Regularity in the Performance of Official Duty
How did the respondent herein rebut the presumption of regularity relating to service of decisions?
Prematurely Filing a Complaint for Permanent Total Disability Benefits
The seafarer filed a complaint praying for permanent total disability benefits 141 days from his medical repatriation. Will the complaint prosper?