Will this employee’s refusal to be promoted constitute a valid cause for dismissal?
Author: Paulino Ungos III
Proving Involuntary Resignations
Who has the burden of proving the fact of involuntariness in resignations from employment?
Strikes and Good Faith
Will the sole presence of a lawful purpose suffice in a strike?
Prove That An Employer-Employee Relationship Exists
What to do if the opponent denies having an employer-employee relationship with you.
Not Every Form of Control is Indicative of Employer-Employee Relationship
If a real estate agent’s performance is subject to company rules, regulations, code of ethics, and periodic evaluation, does this mean that it has passed the control test for determining the existence of employer-employee relationship?
Do Your Employees Know Your Company Policies?
The dismissed employees denied the existence, and the knowledge of the existence, of a company policy of prohibiting sales proceeds to be kept in the cash register. Will their Illegal Dismissal complaint against their employer prosper?
Mere Reliance on a Causality Presumption
Proof expected from claimants in compensation proceedings.
Have You Read Your Employee Code of Conduct?
An employee was dismissed for having violated the company rules on parking privileges. A parking issue…imagine that.
Consider the Context of the Quitclaim
An employee executed a quitclaim when he received his retirement pay. Will he be estopped from pursuing his earlier claim for accrued wages?
Sleep Deprivation and Leukemia
What to establish so that a sickness and its resulting disability or death may be compensable.