Labor Law 1:
Labor Code of the Philippines

The Legal Education Board in its Memorandum Order No. 24
series of 2021 introduced a Revised Model Curriculum for the basic
law program which mandated its compulsory adoption beginning
academic year 2022-2023.
Unlike the old curriculum where Labor Standards and Labor
Relations were treated as separate subjects, the Revised Model
Curriculum combines Labor Standards and Labor Relations into a
single subject. This book aligns with the Revised Model Curriculum.
This edition now combines labor standards and labor relations into
a single book.
Changes or amendments introduced by newly enacted laws
have been incorporated in this edition. Republic Act 11641 which
created the Department of Migrant Workers as well as the enactment
of Republic Act 10149 otherwise known as the GOCC Governance
Act have modified some provisions of the Labor Code. All these have
been considered in this edition including the Expanded Solo Parent
Act (Republic Act 11861).
Also contained in this edition are the pertinent provisions of
Department Order No. 215-20 regarding extension of lay-off in case
of declaration of war, pandemic, and similar national emergencies;
Department Order No. 216-20 regarding recruitment of industry
workers; Department Order No. 217-20 regarding recruitment of
domestic workers; Department Order No. 221-21 revising the rules
for the issuance of alien employment permits; ECC Board Resolution
No. 21-03-09, issued on March 11, 2021 regarding compensability
of disability or death in a work-from-home arrangement; and ECC
Board Resolution 21-04014 regarding compensability of death or
disability arising from COVID 19.
Pertinent Supreme Court rulings are summarized to illustrate
the application of the legal principles and facilitate the understanding
of the law.
Primarily intended as a textbook for law students and bar
candidates, this book will also serve as a guide for lawyers and labor
Pre-Week Handbook
on Labor Law

“Stick to the basics.” Those were the words of Dean Feliciano Jover Ledesma during the last-minute briefing when author Ungos, Jr. took the bar examinations. This work attempts to follow the said advice. Designed as a last-minute reading material, this work presents the basic legal principles which every labor law examinee ought to remember. The authors hope that this work can help the bar examinees achieve their dream of becoming a lawyer.
Labor Law 1:
The Law on Labor Standards

This book is about labor standards which cover Articles 1 up to 217 of the Labor Code of the Philippines. Since the last publication of this book, the following changes have taken place:
- In 2015, the Department of Labor and Employment issued Department Order No. 01 renumbering the Labor Code of the Philippines.
- In 2016, the Philippine overseas Employment Administration issued the new rules governing the recruitment and placement of seafarers and land-based overseas Filipino workers.
- In 2017, the Department of Labor and Employment issued Department Order No. 186, revising the rules for the issuance of alien employment permits.
- On the same year, the Department of Labor and Employment issued Department Order No. 174 amending the rules on contracting and sub-contracting.
- These issuances are included in this book.
Also included in this volume are the salient points of the following special laws:
- Migrant Workers Act (R.A. No. 8042, as amended by R.A. No. 9422 and R.A. No. 10022)
- Overseas Workers Welfare Administration Act (R.A. No. 10801)
- Domestic Workers Act (R.A. No. 10361)
- Home Development Mutual Fund Law (R.A. No. 9769)
- National Health Insurance Act (R.A. No. 7875, as amended by R.A. No. 9241 and R.A. No. 10606)
- Magna Carta of Women (R.A. No. 9710)
- Child Protection Act (R.A. No. 7610, as amended by R.A. Nos. 7658 and 9231)
- Magna Carta for Persons with Disability (R.A. No. 7277 as amended by R.A. Nos. 9442, 10070, and 10524)
- Paternity Leave Act (R.A. No. 8187)
- Solo Parents Welfare Act (R.A. No. 8972)
- Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act R.A. No. 9262)
- Thirteenth Month Pay Law (P.D. No. 851, as amended by Memorandum Order No. 28)
- Law Strengthening Compliance with OSHS (Republic Act No. 11058)
- Social Security Act of 2018 (Republic Act No. 11199)
- Expanded Maternity Leave Law (Republic Act No. 11210)
- Universal Health Care Act (Republic Act No. 11223)
In the preparation of this edition, the authors endeavored to improve the arrangement of and make up-to-date the commentaries of each article. The pertinent Supreme Court rulings are summarized to illustrate the application of the legal principles involved.
Primarily intended as a textbook for law students and bar candidates, this book will also serve as a guide for lawyers and labor leaders. The authors hope that this book will facilitate the study of Labor Law.
Labor Law 2:
The Law on Labor Relations

This book is about labor relations which covers Articles 218 to 317 of the Labor Code of the Philippines. Since the last publication of this book, several changes have taken place. In 2015, the Department of Labor and Employment issued Department Order No. 01 renumbering the Labor Code of the Philippines. Thereafter, several amendatory laws have been enacted, specifically:
- Republic Act 10741 which amended Articles 220 and 222 regarding the National Labor Relations Commission
- Republic Act 10757 which amended Article 302 regarding retirement of surface mine workers
- Republic Act 10789 which fixed the retirement age of race horse jockeys
- Amendments to the rules and regulations implementing the Labor Code of the Philippines have also been issued, mostly on Book V thereof.
All of these are included in this book.
In the preparation of this edition, the authors endeavored to improve the arrangement of and make up-to-date the commentaries of each article. The pertinent Supreme Court rulings are summarized to illustrate the application of the legal principles involved.
Primarily intended as a textbook for law students and bar candidates, this book will also serve as a guide for lawyers and labor leaders. The authors hope that this book will facilitate the study of Labor Law.
Labor Law 3:
The Fundamentals
of Labor Law Review

This edition further simplifies the presentation to facilitate the understanding of labor law.
The subjects are still topically arranged and presented in a simple manner for easy reading. Illustrative examples on significant points of law are given so that the student or bar reviewee can visualize the application of the legal principles. Previous bar examinations questions are incorporated to give the students and bar reviewees a feel of how it is to take the bar examinations.
Hopefully, this humble piece will help students and bar reviewees in their quest to become members of the bar.
The Practical Aspects
of Labor Law

It is practically impossible for a lawyer not to have encountered or handled a labor case in his lifetime, considering the sheer number of labor problems. Back then, decisions of the National Labor Relations Commission can be elevated to the Supreme Court by way of a special civil action for certiorari. During that time, close to 65% of the Supreme Court cases comprise labor cases. This could be one of the reasons why the Supreme Court transferred the review of decisions of the National Labor Relations Commission to the Court of Appeals.
This work aims to familiarize students about the practical side of labor law. The specific points of law and illustrative forms are laid down. With the exception of the forms prescribed by the Department of Labor and Employment, the forms herein contained,
particularly the pleadings and memos, are designed merely to serve as guides, without exhaustive discussion of issues. They indicate forms, not substance and style. Substance and style are better left to the individual student’s preference. The authors hope that this piece would be of help to students of labor law.
Agrarian Law
and Social Legislation

This is intended as a textbook for students in the subject of Agrarian Law and Legislation and as a handy reference for professors.
This third edition incorporates recent Agrarian Law regulations, amendments to other pieces of Social Legislation, and decisions of the Supreme Court on the subject. This edition further includes the following laws that took effect after the previous publication:
- Special Protection of Children in Situations of Armed Conflict Act (Republic Act No. 11188)
- Social Security Act of 2018 (Republic Act No. 11199)
- 105-Day Expanded Maternity Leave Law (Republic Act No. 11210)
- Universal Health Care Act (Republic Act No. 11223)
- Handbook for OFWs Act of 2018 (Republic Act No. 11227)
- Safe Spaces Act (Republic Act No. 11313)
The authors hope that the book continues to facilitate the study of Agrarian Law and Social Legislation.